What made me think of this??
I was in a mall; a 60+aged uncle orally calculated the amount of his bill and pointed out some billing mistake to the cashier. That reminded me of my father who would calculate quickly (he is not an engineer) and our aged group people rely on calculator to calculate simple figures.
I thought over it, what is that these aged group people so smarter than our generation. The basic difference was “technology”. Technology has reached its peak now. In those days, all calculation was done manually, human brain was thoroughly processed and that is the reason, they can suggest quick and simple solutions than we can.
We rely on reminders to remind us of important meetings, birthdays of very close friends…… , social networks to remember our friends, details ,etc…….it’s so sad that we rely so much on computers, mobiles instead of our “brains” which will never get lost and betray us, but still we love such materialistic things more than natural gifts…..:-(
We don’t even remember places names, directions to reach them; we trust online maps for every direction …..and many such examples to quote.
Humans have the most unbeatable tool “Brain” which is not been used by us to the fullest. These days, we have become machines/technology dependent species. Agreed, it is these human brains which are the creators of technology, but we have become slaves of them.
Our day starts and ends with technology, Alarms to wake up and music or any entertainment media to go back to bed. By relying on these machines, we stop training our minds, stop doing physical activities which in turn affects our health. By doing so, I believe we don’t have the ability to solve life’s problem unaided. Though these machines give us answers, we seem to be smarter, but in reality we are dumber. I bet if anything could give us best solutions than our “Brain”.
A Smartphone in hand does make a person smarter, he has the entire book of knowledge in his hands, but when that same machine becomes useless, he too becomes useless, handicapped. A simple example, a person parked his car in a huge parking lot, after some hours, when he returns to the place, he gets frustrated when he does not find his car, he wishes if he could find his car on Google search engine tool, this is the extent to which we have now got addicted to technology.
Though we are the creators of these machines, I believe it is we, who are pushing our selves more into darker side and complicating our lives……
This does not mean stop being technical, but we should not get addicted to it, learn to use ‘Brain’ intellectually and make ourselves Brain dependent rather than Technology dependent.